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Learner Drivers Are Now Allowed To Take Lessons on Motorways

You'll soon see Prime Driving School L-plates on M-roads.

Since 4 June the law changed, however, it is vital that people and driving instructors are aware fully as to how these lessons are conducted. The DVSA has published guidelines click the link below for more information.

Learner drivers have been allowed to drive on the motorway.

The changes give learners the option of having lessons on the motorway, should their instructor deem them competent enough to do so. Learners must be accompanied by an approved driving instructor, and to drive in a car that's fitted with dual controls. At the moment, there are no plans to incorporate motorway driving into the new driving test.


Motorway lessons with Prime Driving School develop "a practical understanding and give pupil crucial experience"


To quote the Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling about the changes:

Younger drivers are up to seven times more likely to be killed or seriously injured compared with drivers over 25, and lack of experience is an important factor. 

Allowing learners to drive on motorways in a supportive environment will help them develop a practical understanding of how to use motorways safely before driving independently.

But how do learner drivers feel about his?

A pupil who recently passed his driving test said: I think it's a good idea for learner drivers to be allowed to go the motorway accompanied by their driving instructor.

I remember the first time I went on a dual carriageway I found it really scary. Everyone was going so fast and it was like nothing I'd experienced before.

"I'm confident on dual carriageways now. Although I know that motorways are similar, I'm aware that there are differences. It would be good to learn about them with someone experienced.

Joanne Mallon, author of How to Overcome Fear of Driving, also supports the plans:

When I was re-learning to drive, I got the instructor to take me out on the motorway. I would never have been able to cope otherwise.

I discovered that fear of motorways was one of the most common difficulties people experienced. They would often plan journeys to avoid them, even choosing rural roads that are statistically more dangerous.

I believe that having the opportunity to practice on motorways before taking the test will help build confidence for many drivers.

Learner Drivers on Motorways


Lynn Von Wildenrath of Prime Driving School says;

On one hand, it's a good idea in the sense that it will give learners experience on the motorway and allow driving instructors to impart better skills.

Our instructors won't take any pupil onto a motorway until the learner is confident with speed and changing lanes and is at test standard and I am concerned that some inexperienced instructors might take students who aren't fully prepared onto the motorway.

Lynne felt that rather than changing learner driver training, the government should put more emphasis on improving driver behaviour in the long term. For example, encouraging motorists to take a refresher test at five or 10-year intervals.

The change is not a required part of driver training. However, most driving experts strongly suggest that new drivers don't venture onto the motorway for the first time without a qualified instructor.

It's advised that they take additional post-test training to cover motorways and other aspects of driving, such as night driving. The government-approved Pass Plus course is one way in which drivers can cover these areas.