Terms and Conditions

Prime Driving School’s priorities are to ensure that all our students are taught to the highest standard by our team of independent driving instructors.

In these terms the term ‘you ‘or ‘your’ relates to the pupil, student, client or trainee who has booked their training and driving lessons and tests through Prime Driving School.

Prime Driving School acts as your agent in locating a driving instructor to provide you with driving lessons. When you make a booking with a Prime Driving School instructor you are entering into a separate contract for the lessons, which is exclusively between yourself and the driving instructor who is self-employed and is independent from Prime Driving School. Prime Driving School cannot be held responsible for any loss of lesson fees paid in advance.

Prime Driving School is only mentioned in these Terms and Conditions where it acts in it's capacity as your agent in locating a driving instructor for you, arranging lessons for you with the driving instructor and making a booking for your tests.

Each driving instructor has their own policy regarding cancellation or rearrangement of your lessons. It is your responsibility to ask your driving instructor what their policy is and to comply with their policy.

You must hold a valid UK provisional driving licence and present it to your driving instructor along with a your national insurance number to enable your driving instructor to carry out a licence check to ensure that you are insured to drive your driving instructors car. Your driving instructor will not keep a record of your national insurance number on file.


The pupil should be aware that their instructor is an independent legal entity, separate from Prime Driving School. Should a refund become due to the pupil, it is the responsibility of your driving instructor to refund any payments made to him/her by the pupil as these monies are not paid to Prime Driving School. Similarly, and any payments made to Prime Driving School will have been transferred to the driving instructor, as these monies are not paid to Prime Driving School. The pupil would need to secure any refund in respect of these monies from the driving instructor.


Payments for each hour of instruction should be made before the lesson. Prime Driving School reserves the right to change the hourly rate with reasonable prior notification to the pupil.

Any lessons paid for in advance shall be refunded by the driving instructor should the pupil pass their test earlier than expected or cease lessons.

A minimum of 48 hours notice is required to be given to the instructor by the pupil to cancel a lesson and should the pupil fail to give such notice the pupil may be liable to pay the full tuition fee.

In the interests of road safety, your instructor may withhold the use of the car for the driving test if, in the opinion of the instructor a pupil is not able to control the car safely.

In the interests of your safety you agree that your instructor may record video and audio during your lessons. With your permission your instructor may ask to take a photo of you with your pass certificate for use in digital marketing. You have a right to refuse this request should you wish and can request the removal of your image at anytime.

Your instructor will accept no liability for accidents, injury or damage to any third party caused by the pupil’s recklessness or negligence during a lesson.

Your instructor is at liberty at his/her discretion to refuse to proceed with a lesson if he or she has reason to believe that the pupil is in any way under the influence of drink or drugs at the time of the lesson.

To ensure that external distractions are kept to a minimum, before your lessons begin you must turn your mobile phone off. Do not put it on silent, as the vibration noise can also be a distraction.

You must not smoke tobacco or e-cigarettes in or around the car.

Comfortable flat shoes are to be worn to ensure the cars control pedals are accessed and felt with ease.

Driving tests may only be arranged with prior agreement with your instructor, as your instructor may be unavailable at a time you book your test.

Your instructor is not responsible for the cancellation of hours booked due to the postponement of a driving test by the Department of Transport.

Should the instructor’s car be damaged on your driving test, the pupil agrees to pay the instructors insurance excess amount for any repairs that need to be made to the instructors vehicle.

Should you wish to make a complaint, please contact your driving instructor to resolve your concern. Should you still have a concern contact 01243 884647.


  • To enable your instructor to carry out his profession, you consent to having your driving licence number, your address, phone numbers to be documented for your pupil progress record and communication purposes.
  • Your records can be inspected at any time and shall be destroyed eight weeks after passing your test or leaving the school.
  • In the interest of road safety you agree that your instructor may possibly video record your lesson. Your face will not be shown on any recording and all digitally recorded data is deleted after 8 weeks unless the police or other relevant authorities request copies following a road incident.
  • If you have a concern regarding how your instructor stores your data, you have a right to lodge a complaint with The Information Commissioners office (ICO). A copy of Prime Driving School’s Privacy Policy is available upon request from your instructor.


Should any provision or part-provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification isn’t possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or per-provision under this clause won’t affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the term.

These terms and conditions are not intended to give rights to anyone except you and us. The rights of any third parties are specifically excluded.

By booking driving lessons with a driving instructor you are agreeing to the terms and conditions as set out.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by English Law.