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Which ADI Franchise Is For You?

A large multi-national or a smaller, independent, Prime Driving School?

Today with so many choices it can be hard to decide which driving school to join, Our article aims to give some suggestions on what you need to ask, and the inquiries you should make when researching a suitable driving school to train with and take a franchise.

Prime driving instructor car

Whether you are a newly qualified driving instructor or someone who is looking to start training as a driving instructor, a choice you will need to make is; 

Do I set up as an independent instructor or take a franchise with an established school?

By becoming a driving instructor and working for your self and starting up any new business can be a real challenge.

The way you will get your work as an ADI is from advertising, social media or through recommendation. It takes potentially a long time to build a reputation; therefore it's important to market your business professionally.

This may mean building a website, becoming Facebook savvy and spending a lot of time and money in promoting yourself and your new driving school. If earnings aren't top of your priority list, or a full-time income is not necessary, then the organic growth of a new business may mean that an independent route is a possible option.

However, if you need to be earning and need a full diary in the shortest time possible, then taking a franchise with a well-established driving school may be the better option. Working 30 hours a week and paying a franchise will bring in more income than working 20-25 hours as an independent instructor!

If you decide to take the franchise option, your next decision is which company to choose. It's essential that you do your homework and choose wisely. As well as the big national companies, there are lots of local multi-car driving schools to choose from. It's important that you choose a driving school that can deliver what you want. Top of the list is normally pupils without them you can't earn, so you need to be confident that the franchisor can supply the work.

Importance of Google for ADI Franchise Options

A good company presence on Google and positive customer reviews will help attract customers, so a good place to start your research is on the internet. Searching for driving lessons in [your town/city] will show you the top listing driving schools in your locality. We would normally recommend only considering the sites with a natural listing on page one at first. The ones in the shaded area at the top of the page are paid listings. The natural listings are beneath that.

Look at each driving school's website. Ask yourself:

  • Is it appealing? (Try to think from a customer's point of view)
  • Does it have lots of passed pupil photographs and/or reviews?
  • Is it easy to navigate for the customer?

Is it a paid listing or a natural listing? (Natural listings may indicate that a local school is well established) Then it's time to ring around and find out more. When enquiring, here are some questions about ADI Franchise options.

GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK! Do you currently work on a franchise or have you done so in the past? What are your experiences? What did the franchisor do well for you and what could they have improved on? What extra questions would you suggest a prospective franchisee should ask?

Send your feedback to    info@primedrivingschool.co.uk