How to Pass the Part 3 ADI qualifying test
We were fortunate to engage the services of the recently retired ADI manager George, who spent the day at our training centre in Chichester giving our trainees, tips, interactive exercises, visual examples and much much more inside information for our trainee driving instructors.
It was fun fun-packed and informative day with over 30 trainees and ADI's in attendance. Everyone really found the day useful and has helped them enormously to be even more prepared for their final qualifying test.
The most fun had was when our trainees watched videos and were given test sheets with scenarios detailed where they had to act as the ADI examiner. It was incredible how our trainees were so spot on with scoring as examiners and the exercise also gave them a more rounded perspective on what it takes to pass the Part 3 qualifying test.
Our goal as always is to give our trainees the best, detailed experience and information so that they can all be the best driving instructors possible.
We thank George for his time and detail in preparing his day of training and we will certainly be asking him back again.
Incidentally, we have had two more trainees pass their final qualifying test since Georges day at Prime Driving School.
If you would like to have an informal chat about becoming a driving instructor in your area click the link below or simply give us a call.