Driving Instructor Training Passes


'The effort & support you gave me throughout the process was exceptional'.

Shaun had been working in the motor trade and Shaun had decided that he needed a career change, then after a conversation with another Prime Driving School driving instructor whilst having his car serviced, Shaun sought out Lynne and Prime Driving School and entrusted his training to become a driving instructor with Prime Driving School.

Of course Shaun passed his final qualifying test and became an ADI in 2019 and is thoroughly enjoying his new career.

I would just like to Thank Lynne & Paul for all your help & support in getting me through my ADI part 3. The effort & support you gave me throughout the process was exceptional. I could not have done this without your dedication & tremendous knowledge & feedback. I would also like to mention Steve for his help & support which again was outstanding. Not forgetting Andy Lloyd who got me started with becoming an instructor all those months ago. If anyone is thinking of starting a new career & wishes to become a driving instructor give Prime Driving School a call. They will make it a pleasurable experience & you will wish you did this years ago.
Many, many thanks once again to all the team